Art Toronto 2023


Corkin Gallery

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United Contemporary


Art Toronto in person 2021


Toronto artist Tatjana Hutinec


Toronto artist Tatjana Hutinec launched As Above so Below, her exhibitor booth filled with stormy paintings, at the Riverdale ArtWalk 2021, August 21 – August 22.

 Toronto artist Tatjana Hutinec

In her body of work, titled As Above so Below Tatjana Hutinec highlights awareness of climate changes related to human consciousness, (egocentric) perception and actions impacted by consumerism.

Hutinec believes that art can inspire us to achieve a deeper awareness – focused on the relationship with oneself as an element of the whole and choosing positive personal practices that can help prevent climate catastrophe.

Since the pandemic closedowns in 2019, and art event cancelations, Riverdale Artwalk 2021 was the first outdoor art exhibition.

One of Toronto’s premier art exhibitions, Riverdale ArtWalk is a FREE two-day, public fine art juried exhibition showcasing selected artists at Jimmie Simpson Park in Toronto’s flourishing Queen East arts district, as well as a two week Online Show and Sale.

Hutinec has been creating and exhibiting her artwork in Canada, Croatia and Dominican Republic, while teaching art workshops to communities as well as creating wearable art and sculptures for TV, film and theatre.

“Greatfull for the opportunity to show my art and invite people to come in person, I am exited about my participation in the Riverdale Artwalk 2021” said Tatjana Hutinec, who grew up and studied art and design in Zagreb, Croatia. Since 1990, displaced due to the war outburst in Croatia, Tatjana has been living in Toronto.

Discovering the art exhibits of Missisauga’s Celebration Square

Discovering the art exhibits of Missisauga’s Celebration Square by Sherene Almjawer

Life does imitate art but not always in the best ways. The large shipping container in Mississauga’s Celebration Square housing the Love Local Art Shop should’ve been bustling with admirers of Amee Raval’s glass art on Sunday, August 29. Instead, much like Edward Hopper’s painting “Nighthawks”, excited patrons were stuck peering at the myriad of beautiful glass works from outside the little art shop.

Two pieces caught the sunlight: circular mirrors decorated with colourful pieces of glass in the shapes of women’s heads, each one donning a differently styled headdress.

Little did we know, the power in both Mississauga’s Civic Centre and the art shop had gone out, locking everyone out of both buildings.

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Luckily for us, Celebration Square is a haven for art. As part of the Mi Casa, Your Casa 2.0 installation—running from July 30 to September 6 by artists Esrawe and Cadena—Celebration Square is decorated in 14 red-frame houses inspired by the street markets of Latin America. Hanging from the top each frame are swings, letting visitors step into the home, watch the strip of bulbs at every house light up and swing under the warm summer sun.

Families, couples and children alike took turns immersing themselves in the little pieces of familiarity and homeliness, just as someone would in the lively streets of a Latin American market.

Fortunately, the Love Local Art Shop will feature a few more artists, every Friday to Sunday until September 5, giving art lovers one more chance to meet and support their favourite local artists before Celebration Square introduces a new set of exhibitions.

Art Toronto

Art Toronto


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